Wool Brokers

Members of Unión de Consignatarios y Rematadores Laneros del Uruguay (CMPP)

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Broker (alphabetically ordered) eMail Website
Arrosa Iramendi & Asociados Ltda. pablo@arrosairamendi.uy
Correa y San Román patricio@correaysanroman.com.uy www.correaysanroman.com.uy
Francisco Dotti SC. dottilanas@adinet.com.uy
Escritorio Dutra Ltda. info@escritoriodutra.com www.escritoriodutra.com
Escritorio Romualdo Rodriguez Ltda. lanas@romualdo.com.uy
Gaudín Hermanos SRL info@gaudinhnos.com.uy www.gaudinhnos.com.uy
Gerardo Zambrano & Cía. Ltda. lanas@zambrano.com.uy
Megaagro Haciendas Ltda. lanas@megaagro.com.uy
Ricardo Stewart & Cía. Ltda. stewart62.r@gmail.com -------
Victorica Consignaciones SRL victorica@victorica.com.uy www.victorica.com.uy

Animal welfare

A consumer 'megatrend' is the emergence of the 'lifestyle of health and sustainability' as a major driver of consumer disposition...

Shearing & clip preparation

The Uruguayan Wool Secretariat (SUL) has been involved in long term programs to improve shearing methods and clip preparation...

Production systems

Sheep production in Uruguay must be considered in the context of mixed livestock production systems...

Sheep breeds & wool production

With a flock of 6.33 millions, main sheep products are mainly for export to different countries over the world...


A brief summary of the sheep and cattle stock and wool production.

Uruguayan Wool Secretariat (SUL)

SUL has as its mission to promote a sustainable development of sheep production in Uruguay and...

Wool exporters

List of current wool exporters.

Wool brokers

List of current wool brokers.

Photo gallery

Some images of our production systems, breed and wool production, and shearing and clip preparation.